Responsibilities of Students

The Board of Trustees is responsible for promulgating policies regarding student conduct at Central Michigan University. The President, as its executive officer, is the final authority in all discipline cases. The Associate Vice President for Student Affairs is the designated officer responsible to the president for conducting a discretionary review of a decision of the Appeals Board to suspend a student for more than one week or to dismiss a student. The Associate Vice President for Student Affairs is the designated officer responsible to the President for the administration of student conduct policies. All misconduct of students is reported to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or to the persons designated by the AVP for Student Affairs to receive such reports.


This Code applies to student conduct that occurs either on or off-campus, especially when such conduct affects the interests of the university. The university shall take disciplinary action in cases concerning a student's actions or offenses occurring within or affecting people on property within the physical boundaries of Central Michigan University, on or affecting university-owned or controlled property, or when the student is in attendance at a university-sponsored event, or when the interests of the university as a community are clearly involved. A student committing a criminal offense, whether that offense occurs on or off-campus, that is also a violation of the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Disciplinary Procedures, may be subject to University discipline. In other cases, where the health and safety of members of this community are clearly involved, the university shall assert its authority.

Students subject to the provisions of this Code are defined as all persons who have enrolled at the university, either full-time or part-time, pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or non-degree studies. Persons who have been enrolled at the university, and who have not withdrawn, are students even when they are not enrolled for a particular term. Students also include persons who have been admitted to the university and who, before their first attendance, participate in activities intended only for prospective students (e.g., orientation, leadership, band, or other camps, athletic training, and practices).