I completed the ONS Fundamentals of Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Administration™ Course. How do I renew my ONS provider card?

If your provider card has not yet expired, or you are still within your 30-day grace period, you are eligible to renew via the ONS Fundamentals of Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Administration Renewal™ Course. This on-demand course provides immediate access upon registration. Please note that if your provider card has expired, but you are still within the 30-day grace period, there will be a $35 late fee added to the cost of your registration.

If your provider card has expired and you are no longer within your 30-day grace period, you will be required to take the ONS Fundamentals of Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Administration™ Course to earn a valid provider card and certificate.

Please note that the ONS/ONCC Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Certificate ™ provider card and the ONS Fundamentals of Chemotherapy Immunotherapy Administration ™ provider card are not interchangeable.

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